Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 09 Battle of the Bastards Post #6


The sixth season of the fantasy drama television series Game of Thrones was ordered by HBO on April 8, 2014, together with the fifth season, and premiered on April 24, 2016. In contrast to the previous seasons, it largely consists of original content not found in George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series.

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Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 09 Battle of the Bastards

No. 609. Title: Battle of the Bastards. Directed by Miguel Sapochnik. Written by David Benioff & D. B. Weiss. Original Air Date: June 19, 2016. Sinopse: Daenerys meets with the slave masters to negotiate terms of surrender, but they refuse it. She then rides Drogon, as Rhaegal and Viserion assist them in burning the slaver’s fleet. Grey Worm kills two of the masters, leaving one to tell of what he had witnessed. After the battle, Theon and Yara meet with Daenerys and Tyrion and agree to an alliance. The Starks and Boltons meet before the battle, with Ramsay ordering them to surrender. On the following morning, the confrontation begins. Ramsay brings out Rickon and tells him to run towards the Stark army, firing arrows at him as he does. Jon tries to save him, but Rickon is killed by an arrow. The battle ensues with the wildlings becoming pinned by Bolton soldiers, but they are rescued by the Knights of the Vale. Ramsay flees inside Winterfell but Wun Wun, having taken numerous arrows to his body, manages to break the door down, before succumbing to his wounds. Jon almost brutally beats Ramsay but not fatally, and takes him prisoner. Sansa later brings Ramsay’s starving hounds to his cell and watches as they devour him.

At Winterfell

After Jon discusses the battle plan with Tormund and Davos, Sansa criticises Jon for attacking without gathering more men and warns him that Ramsay will be able to counter their battle plans. Jon insists that this is the largest army they could possibly gather.

SANSA: If you had asked for my advice earlier, I would have told you not to attack Winterfell until we had a larger force, or is that obvious, too?
JON: When will we have a larger force?! We’ve pleaded with every house that’ll have us. The Blackfish can’t help us. We’re lucky to have this many men.
SANSA: It’s not enough!
JON: No, it’s not enough. It’s what we have! Battles have been won against greater odds.
SANSA: If Ramsay wins, I’m not going back there alive. Do you understand me?
JON: I won’t let ever let him touch you again. I’ll protect you, I promise.
SANSA: No one can protect me. No one can protect anyone.





Later, Jon meets with Melisandre and asks her not to bring him back if he should die in battle. Melisandre replies that it is not her gift that has brought Jon back but the Lord of Light’s.

JON: My lady. You weren’t at the war council.
MELISANDRE: I’m not a soldier.
JON: Any advice?
MELISANDRE: Don’t lose.
JON: If I do, if I fall… don’t bring me back.
MELISANDRE: I’ll have to try.
JON: I’m ordering you not to bring me back.
MELISANDRE: I am not your servant, Jon Snow.
JON: You’re in my camp. I’m the commander.
MELISANDRE: I serve the Lord of Light. I do what he commands.
JON: How do you know what he commands?
MELISANDRE: I interpret his signs… as well as I can. If the Lord didn’t want me to bring you back, how did I bring you back? I have no power. Only what he gives me and he gave me you.
JON: Why?
MELISANDRE: I don’t know. Maybe you’re only needed for this small part of his plan and nothing else. Maybe he brought you here to die again.
JON: What kind of god would do something like that?
MELISANDRE: The one we’ve got.







Davos and Tormund discuss their time serving Stannis and Mance respectively, with both acknowledging that they may have been serving the wrong king for so long. Davos walks on and comes across the pyre where Shireen was burned, also finding the wooden stag he had given her before she died.





Source text: Wikipedia.

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